Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Re:practise alchemy - transform(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.31 2:31 (#16008808) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.29 3:23)
Love should be a positive force.
But the pain I feel on weekdays overwhelms the pleasure I feel at weekends. So I have nothing for it but to try to find another woman who can see me every night.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Monday, August 28, 2006

Harsh Summer

Re:Are you no longer together?(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.29 4:00 (#15995578) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.29 3:23)
We are still in a good relatioship or probably both of us are pretending to be satisfied with one another. I undersatand she is very frustrated and she might notice I am frustrated too. This summer is for both of us very frustrating one.
Of course she keeps on being my love for the moment. At the same time I intend to try to find a girfriend near my residence. Usually we can't know when separation comes, and usually it comes when either of us find an alternative who is more suitable to one another. It's sad though we can manage.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters


Re:wind above brings nourishing rain(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.29 1:33 (#15994503) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.28 11:49)
Facing the end of this summer I'm not satisfied. Last summer I was in love with another woman and because she lives near my house I was able to see her every night.
We separated along with the end of summer but I assume both of us were completely satisfied. For us a couple of over forties, to be able to quench our thirsty well is the most important factor since we only love one another in our presence. When we were absence, we forget one another.
But this time I was forced to think of her because we were away.
At the end of this summer I was not satisfied. We weren't burnt out yet but we have to face another chapter. The season of infatuation ended. We will face a fruit of autumn.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Sunday, August 27, 2006



My Favourite Place In A Beach

My Favourite Place In A Beach

Happy Weekend

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Hardship Never Cured

by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.24 1:44 (#15963481) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.22 2:50)
Only because I wanted to see her everyday I tried to move to her town. But now I realised there are many negative aspects as well. She won't see me any more even if I moved to her town. Because it is her who wants to move to.
I am not totally sure I can keep on loving her while we are away. Of course I will keep on doing so for some months.
At the same time it's true that love is fragile and I love myself more than her. If this hardship is about to overwhelm my identity I have nothing for it but to reconsider our situation. Some love brings more hardship than pleasure. This time is the case.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Love Is

Re:It is nice...(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.24 0:23 (#15962748) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.22 2:50)
The notion 'love' is made between 'I love myself' and 'I love her'. As long as the state 'I love her' increases the state 'I love myself', love is eligible to exist. Otherwise love is impossible.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Far Broader View

Re:Whatever Happens(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.23 23:54 (#15962533) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.22 2:50)
From age 27 in my country I was a teacher in a clam school. I was teaching students whose age is 15. Two yeara later at age 29 I quit my job and travelled to Ireland.
Four months later I came back from a country Ireland - once I dreamt that I can keep on staying. I intended to have gotten a job there. Only found it hard to do so.
Again back in my country it was not difficult to get a teaching job at all, I started teaching students whose age is 18 in a preliminary school.
But I found it very difficult to keep on working in a school. I resigned many schools again and again and again. I'm sure I got a far broader view than before. Before 30 I was so particular about only teaching job, but since then I've been challenging many jobs that are completely different from teaching. This is not a matter of good or bad. Now I know life is a choice as such.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

There're No Options

Re:there is no try(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.23 13:05 (#15960257) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.22 2:50)
To tell the truth I am not sure whether I was lucky. My previous love - a woman from Africa didn't live in my city, so I had to ride a car or get on a train to see her and we were unable to see one another whenever we want. Now she's gone, she hasn't working in primary school in Japan. We had no many oppotunities to know one another only because of the geographical distance we had.
See this time too. Once in a week we can see, but it's only so limited to know about one another. We see at 21 pm on Saturday and leave 19 pm on Sunday. Usually we stay about less than 24 hours in a week.
As I stated I proposed her that I can move to her town and work and live but she declines my proposal saying she has already made up her mind to quitting her job and move to my town, if I moved to her town now she feels she needs to keep on working in her town that eventually deter her dicision (to leave her town). That is what I've never thought of. All I have to do is endure our situation right now and wait for her coming in the near future.
If I don't like it, I choose option 1, but at the same time I need to realise there's no couple which is perfectly matches mutual demands. We need to sacrifice to achieve something that is unattainable only by oneself.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Thursday, August 17, 2006

At Age 45

On the 16th of August, 2006

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

At Age 12

From my graduation album in primary school.

Friday, August 11, 2006


Re:Secret Pleasure?(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.12 10:39 (#15892677) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.12 10:16)
In two reasons.
For most of the Japanese still blogging is unfamiliar. Now many young people use PCs in many ways other than blogging. And another reason is of course they have no command of English language. For them English keeps on being seen as a meaningless matrix of some kind.
So it remains to be 'secret'(?)
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

At Age 45 III

Hi, this space is reserved for future use of something, thanks.

At Age 45 II

At Age 45

At Age 42

At Age 15

Thursday, August 10, 2006

How Responsible She Is

Oh, did you play the guitar in the presence of others on the street? Or probably you were playing the impressive tune of Chopin at a bar in town? Whichever you were, you were a musician, weren't you?

I stumbled upon her in MySpace music. I befriended her because I was moved from her strong power of will, that was filled with her face. After I befriended, I received her personal mail soon in which she wanted to know the reason I befriended her. I explained precisely then our friendship started. Every time I am amazed too see how she is 'responsible' to all the comments and mails I made to her. As I mentioned above, this is the most important human factor 'to be famous'.

I am sure she will succeed. I just want to help her a little bit.

Close In Love

Re:All the knives seem to lacerate your brain(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.11 6:34 (#15884734) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.10 11:33)
I met her for the first time on the 24th of April in a seminor or workshop held by our company. So both she and I are working in the same company, but the location of our workplace is completely different. She works in Kokura and I in Fukuoka. This is similar to the relationship of Baltimore and Washington.D.C. in distance. We live in a different city but adjancent, so not difficult to see once in a week but difficult in everyday.
So we are complaining about our distance in location, not in love. We love one another from the bottom of our hearts.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

In My Room

Thinking something...

A Moment Of Relax

My Love II

From front

My Love

Profile as such.

On And On -by maria kizirian

One of my best friends maria kizirian is an ambitious person. She is eager to show her up in MTV2. She raised her hand to show herself up in there, and she needs to get tens of thousands of votes from her fans and supporters.

I am eager to help her because she is a very 'responsible' person. That is the most important human factor to be famous in the first place.

Here is where she needs your vote. I think she will be eligible to be very famous because she is very 'responsible'.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Logical Langage

I admire BBC English first and foremost. I learned English basically by trying to learn by heart Oxford English Dictionaries. English has been for me a completely logical language, I don't have a particular feeling colonial people might have had towards their former ruler. Basically I prefer keep on using Oxford Learners Dictionaries, and sometimes I need to look up more examples how the words or ideoms are used, so I am adding my collection of dictionaries.

If you were an English, you keep on recommending using English dictionaries like Oxford's. Probably you are Welsh who slightly have a complicated feeling towards English people.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Re:Your passion is inspiring.(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.05 1:53 (#15847311) ( Last Journal: 2006.08.04 23:00)
She has been telling me that she is in deepest love with me and I myself feel I am insanely in love with her as if I were just out of my mind. So when all the obstacles that prevent us from seeing one another is just a distance, our love burns intensely. Here is her picture, just take a look.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Flat Major

A-flat major(Score:1)
by mercedo (822671) * on 2006.08.01 22:13 (#15824350) ( Last Journal: 2006.07.31 4:26)
As long as I know, there's no famous song based on A-flat minor, but there are many A-flat major songs. You will be major.
--Ancient Greek Philosophers -18c Enlightenment Thinkers -Slashdotters